Welcome to the Martin’s Lane Dental Practice Publication Scheme. This is a guide to the Publication Scheme of the Dental Practitioners (who practice together) within the Practice, as required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

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This is a guide to the information published by each of the NHS dentists at Martins Lane Dental Practice. This guide is the dentists’ Publication Scheme as required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

The dentists are:

    • Dr A. Wyllie
    • Dr S. Wardle
    • Dr E. New
    • Dr G. Mason
    • Dr D. Mohammadi
    • Dr S. Scannell
    • Dr R. Hicks
    • Dr S. Shetty
    • Dr C. Pereira


This Publication Scheme is a complete guide to the information routinely made available to the public by the dentists at Martins Lane Dental Practice. It is not a complete list of publications since this will change as other things are produced, but it is a description of the classes of information that we provide. A full list of publications is available on our practice website or by contacting Dr A. Wyllie.

This guide will be reviewed at regular intervals and we will monitor its effectiveness.

How much do they cost?

All publications are free unless otherwise stated.

How are they published?

All of the information is downloadable from the practice website at www.martinslanedental.com. They are also available in hard copy from Dr A. Wyllie.

Your right to information

As well as our published information, present and former patients of the practice have the right to access the personal information that we hold about them in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Details of how to do this are contained in the Practice Data Protection Policy, which is available from our practice manager.


We have produced this guide in order to comply with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The purpose of the Act is to encourage organizations working for the public to be more open about the information they have. We welcome your views on additional classes of information that might be included and on the publications themselves. If you have any comments or suggestions about the scheme, please send them in writing to Dr A. Wyllie at the Practice.

Classes of information

We hold various types of information that we review, retain or dispose of according to NHS rules. Our information is classed into seven categories:

  1. Who we are
  2. Our services
  3. Financial information
  4. Information for patients and the public
  5. Complaints
  6. Our policies and procedures
  7. This guide.

Class 1: Who we are

Details of all the dentists, dental therapists and dental hygienists are contained in the practice information leaflet. Details include name and date of first registration with the General Dental Council, specialist status and whether they are full or part time. The name of the practice manager is also included.

Class 2: Our services

Information about our services is contained in the practice’s patient information leaflet that is available at Reception. The information includes:

• Opening times
• Arrangements for emergency care
• Details of access to the premises for people with disabilities
• The languages we speak and the availability of interpreters
• Whether we have a dental hygienist or orthodontic treatment is available
• Whether we provide intravenous sedation for anxious patients
• Information about the care and treatment provided by the practice

NHS treatment is

A wide range of private treatment is available on request as well as all standard NHS treatment.

Class 3: Financial information

We have information about:

For up to date NHS charges please click Here.

• Entitlement to exemption and remission from NHS dental charges

Children under 18 and young people in full time education who are under 19
Pregnant women
Women who have had a baby in the last 12 months
Income Support
JSA Income Based Jobseeker’s Allowance
Income-related Employment & Support Allowance
Tax Credit (full exemption certificate)
Guaranteed Pension Credit
Some Universal Credits

If you do not fall into any of these categories, you may still be able to get help with NHS dental costs by filling in a HC1 form (Claim for help with health costs) and you may be issued with either:
HC2 (full remission) or HC3 (partial remission) Certificate

• Our private charges are available on request.

Our NHS funding is an annual budget based on historical earnings. Patients who are not exempt from payments must pay towards their dental treatment. Payment is made on the day of treatment.

Class 4: Information for patients and the public

We make available information leaflets about:

• Types of dental treatment
• Healthy diet
• Healthy teeth
• Reducing anxiety about dental care
• Other health information
• NHS information leaflets.

Copies of leaflets are available from Reception.

Class 5: Complaints

We have a practice complaints procedure, a copy of which is available from J. Newton.

Class 6: Practice policies

We have policies and procedures that ensure that the practice operates in a safe and efficient manner. These include:

• Data protection
• Data security
• Confidentiality
• Health and Safety
• Radiation protection
• Infection control
• Payments policy
• Equal opportunities.

Copies of the policies are available from Reception.

Class 7: This guide

This guide will be reviewed regularly and we will also keep the list of publications up to date.

From January 2005 we will be required by the Freedom of Information Act to respond to requests from the public to access recorded information that we hold. There are some exemptions to this right and it does not change the rights of our patients to have all of their personal information kept strictly confidential and available to them on request.

Further information

Further information on the Freedom of Information Act is available from the following website: